Milkshake font trecker
Milkshake font trecker

  1. #Milkshake font trecker download
  2. #Milkshake font trecker free

#Milkshake font trecker free

It is sometimes the case that you won't be able to get permission to use free fonts like MilkShake for a commercial project. But if you can't find what you are looking for, then sometimes it makes sense to purchase a premium / paid for font. A large selection of fonts that we feature on like MilkShake are free to use fonts.

#Milkshake font trecker download

If you want to download this font for commercial use, then you might need to get special permission from the author. Check in the information box in the side bar. MilkShake might be available to use commercially. YES - MilkShake is 100% free to download for personal use only. Here is a preview of how MilkShake will look.Ĭategories Free Fonts - Download For FREE! The MilkShake font includes the following font families: “I tried to keep the details to a minimum, make the thin strokes not too thin, keep the x-height tall, and avoid introducing any oddball letterforms that would throw off the design by drawing too much attention to them.” The result is a fun typeface that still manages to be readable, versatile. Like Funkydori, Ganache, and Number Five, Milkshake was sketched rather than rendered with a brush or fountain pen, although Laura used pointed-brush experiments to make sure certain letterforms looked the way they should. As I went through the design and development phase, I was really drawn to how round and thick it was turning out and I liked this look - it makes it a sturdy font, capable of holding up against busy backgrounds and bold enough for headlines or titling treatments.” Over 650 glyphs, including 10 ligatures and 87 swashes. I wanted it to be memorable, but still be a workhorse of a script font. Laura set out to “create a design that would be friendly, readable, and versatile. Milkshake is a thick, substantial script designed to become a favorite treat.

Milkshake font trecker